Review of ‘Control Your Submissive Boy’ by Lockhart


This book is one of the short reads about Female Led Relationships. It could be considered semi-erotic since it has 150 ideas for women who are willing to dominate their men.

Summary of the Book

The book straightly jumps into the ideas on how a woman can dominate her man. The book has a range of ideas from personal services to kinky activities.


It is a non-fiction book targeted at educating the audience


The language of the book is easy.

It is a no-non sense book.

Short read. Directly jumps to the point.

Very well written and is totally worth the reader’s time.


The book would not be for absolute beginners who want to learn the basics about Female Led Relationships.

The title can be a little misleading, since it does not teach “How to control your man” but it teaches how to dominate your man.

Personal Reflection

The book definitely has a plethora of ideas. I would randomly scroll to a page and skim through the ideas. Many of these ideas are pretty good and almost all of them are practical.


This book is a gem for a woman looking for ideas to dominate her man. This book gets straight to the point, has no nonsense and is practically applicable. It does not educate newbies about what an FLR is, but it does give them many ideas to play around with.


I would rate this book 4.5/5.

Book Link


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