Hypnosis in a Female led Relationship

Brainwashing and hypnosis in a Female-Led Relationship (FLR) is a popular topic. Many men listen to hypno audio to condition themselves and enhance their submissiveness. They even fantasize about being forced to listen to these audios by their dom, often imagining scenarios where they are brainwashed to be feminized and/or denied. Plenty of erotica also incorporate hypnosis as an erotic element. (One of my erotica lined up is also based on this theme).

However, it’s important to discuss why hypnosis is so popular and whether it is actually needed to become a good submissive or dominant partner in a Female Led Relationship.

What Is Hypnosis?

Contrary to the popular belief that hypnosis causes a person to lose control, being hypnotized actually places the individual in a state of hyper-awareness. In a hypnotic state, the person becomes highly responsive to the suggestions provided during the session. It’s a state where focused attention allows the mind to absorb and internalize affirmations or commands.

Why Hypnosis in an FLR?

Hypnosis is associated with FLRs for several reasons:

  1. Desire for Control:

Many submissive men want to feel controlled and to experience total submission. They fantasize about becoming mindless slaves, dictated by the will of their mistress. Hypnosis amplifies this fantasy by creating the illusion of being under a “magical spell” cast by the dom.

However, the reality check here is that not all women can do hypnosis. Furthermore, not all women have a hypnosis kink. In an FLR, her desires and preferences are prioritized. Also, consent is fundamental to any kink, including hypnosis. If she’s not interested in hypnosis or does not consent to it, the submissive partner must respect her wishes.

  1. Relearning Traditional Roles:

The concept of a woman leading a relationship challenges traditional norms. The idea of the woman being in charge does not resonate with traditional relationships. The idea of the woman being in power and the man being obedient and submissive needs some relearning.

You need to unlearn what you have been taught since your childhood. For a man, he needs to rewire his brain to unlearn the widespread patriarchal norms and accept that his woman is in charge.

For a woman, she needs to learn the fact that her desires and wants can be valued and she can have her way in the relationship. Her role is not only about fulfilling her husband’s desires. Her role is about being the leader in the relationship and using her man’s support to live a comfortable and fulfilling life.

Moreover, there could be times when the man would have to agree to his Dom’s decisions irrespective of his will in order to respect her authority. Sometimes the man might feel that the unequal power is overwhelming. He might question the dynamic that the couple is in. Hypnosis can help navigate these challenges.

How Hypnosis Helps ?

The brain is malleable. It can unlearn old ideas and learn new ideas. Some ideas can be easy to forget while others could be very difficult to let go. Some ideas can be easy to adapt while others can take a while before you become comfortable with them. But accepting new ideas and rejecting old ideas is not an impossible task, no matter what the idea is.

Most FLR or Femdom hypnosis scripts consist of affirmations designed to rewire the brain. Repeated exposure to these affirmations makes it easier to accept and adapt to the non-traditional dynamics of an FLR.

For men, affirmations may include:

Your wife’s happiness is the priority.

You play a submissive role in your marriage.

You love it when your wife takes charge.

Your wife is your Goddess.

You love to be a slave to your wife

For women, affirmations may include:

You are a Goddess.

Your husband is submissive and supports your decisions.

You deserve all the happiness in your relationship.

You can be selfish at times, and your husband will love it.

Being the leader now feels natural to you.

By regularly listening to such affirmations, men find it easier to embrace their submissive roles, while women feel more empowered to lead. Hypnosis can help both partners navigate the emotional and mental shifts required to thrive in an FLR, ensuring that both parties find happiness and fulfillment in their respective roles.

Word of Caution

If you think that hypnosis is an absolute necessity for you to accept FLR, IT IS NOT! Hypnosis can help you accept new ideas by continuous affirmations but it is not a necessity.

Myth – Hypnosis erases free will. You will be under the complete control of the other person.
Reality – You can be hypnotized only if you’re willing and you’re receptive. It can suggest new ideas but it cannot solely override your old ideas unless you’re willing to.

Myth – Hypnosis will make you submissive instantly
Reality – Hypnosis is about consistency. Continuously working towards accepting FLR and your submissive role will make you submissive.


Hypnosis has its own importance in terms of a Female Led Relationship.

Personally, my slave has listened to many hypno files in an attempt to become more submissive. Some helped, some didn’t. At last, we both started creating custom hypno files for our own needs. And yes, those helped.

Just like other affirmations, FLR affirmations serve a continuous reminder of our roles and expectations. We have even helped many individuals who reached out to us for getting custom-made affirmations.

Think of hypnosis as a helping tool. You cannot totally rely on hypnosis to adapt to your new role. However, spending 5-10 minutes daily listening to such affirmations can put you in the right mindset.

I have even talked to a couple of doms who practice hypnosis in their FLR. Hypnosis could be incorporated as a kink, as well as a tool. It reiterates the roles that you have in your relationship and can help you to embrace who you are.

After a period of time, you won’t even need the help of hypnosis as Female Led  Relationships would feel as natural as a traditional relationship.

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