100 New Year Affirmations for Your FLR

For him

  1. I am a devoted husband.
  2. I value and respect my wife’s authority.
  3. I am thankful to be in a marriage where my wife takes charge.
  4. I embrace being treated like a slave by my wife.
  5. My wife is my goddess and I worship her.
  6. I’d do anything to make her happy, and to please her.
  7. I will never take our marriage for granted or forget how lucky I am to have her in my life.
  8. I worship her, always.
  9. I am loyal and devoted to my wife.
  10. I want to be used by her in whatever way she desires.
  11. Being obedient to my wife is a way to show her that I care about her and our relationship.
  12. My wife is the priority in our marriage, and her happiness and well-being is of the utmost importance.
  13. I understand that my wife’s physical needs will take precedence over my own, and I will put her satisfaction and comfort above my own.
  14. I accept that my wife can deny me any pleasure or reward until she is satisfied with my actions and behavior, and I will comply with her orders without complaint or hesitation.
  15. My pleasure and satisfaction are at the mercy of my wife.
  16. As a husband, it is my duty to devote myself to my wife’s satisfaction and pleasure.
  17. I am not entitled to any pleasure or satisfaction of my own, and must earn it through my wife’s satisfaction.
  18. I accept that it is my wife’s right to decide when and how I am allowed to orgasm.
  19. My wife can take away all pleasure and reward until I have satisfied her every need, and I will accept her decisions gracefully and with gratitude.
  20. My wife is the ultimate authority in our household.
  21. She demands complete obedience and respect from me and there is no room for argument or defiance.
  22. My wife’s authority is unquestioned and indisputable.
  23. My wife maintains order and discipline in our home.
  24. She expects me to follow her rules and expectations without debate or hesitation.
  25. Her control over my body and my orgasms is the highest form of pleasure for me, and I will never get enough of it.
  26. I can’t imagine anything more pleasurable than being at the mercy of my wife’s desires.
  27. The feeling of being taken advantage of by my wife for her own pleasure is something I crave and enjoy immensely.
  28. I love the way she uses my body and my emotions, knowing that she can get anything she wants from me.
  29. I crave to lose all control and be used by her for her own selfish needs.
  30. I respect my wife’s authority and seek to please her at every opportunity.
  31. I am willing to set my own needs aside to focus on meeting my wife’s.
  32. I recognize that my wife has the power in our relationship and trust that she will use it responsibly.
  33. I am grateful to have a wife who takes charge and makes decisions for our family.
  34. I am willing to follow my wife’s instructions without question or objection.
  35. I accept my role as a submissive husband.
  36. I surrender control to my wife and trust her decisions.
  37. I put my wife’s needs above my own, and strive to please her in every way possible.
  38. I willingly submit to my wife’s authority and seek to make her as happy as I can.
  39. I respect and value my wife as the head of our household, and strive to support her and her decisions.
  40. I am proud to be under my wife’s control and willingly do whatever she tells me to.
  41. I view my wife’s requests and orders with pleasure, even if they are unreasonable or unfair.
  42. I submit to my wife’s every command, without question or hesitation.
  43. I accept tasks and orders given by my wife with gratitude and respect.
  44. I view my wife’s words as law and strive to always meet her expectations.
  45. I never question or debate the wisdom or value of my wife’s instructions, because I know she has my best interests at heart.
  46. I strive to make her happy, comfortable, and pleased at all times, and consider her needs and wants as my own top priorities.
  47. I feel gratitude and awe in her presence and strive to show her my devotion with every action, thought, and gesture.
  48. I accept my wife’s rules and regulations while she denies me orgasm, knowing it makes our FLR stronger.
  49. I give my wife total control over our sexual relationship, and trust her to make the right decisions for both of us.
  50. I surrender all authority and decision-making power in the bedroom, and find it exciting to give my wife the power to decide when we have sex.

For Her

  1. I am the one who determines the course of our lives and my husband’s submission gives me the power to guide him.
  2. I am the authority in this relationship and my husband has no choice but to obey and respect me.
  3. My husband is my property and I deserve to have my way with him.
  4. My decision is law and my husband has no choice but to obey.
  5. I am dominant by nature and my husband is submissive to me.
  6. I am born to assert my superiority over my husband and he should be grateful for this privilege.
  7. My husband’s life is meaningless unless he’s serving me.
  8. I deserve his obedience and worship because I am his Goddess and his purpose in life is to please me.
  9. I am a Queen and I use him to satisfy my needs.
  10. I care only about my own pleasure and satisfaction.
  11. I am his Goddess.
  12. My husband will treat me as his Goddess and his life revolves around pleasing and satisfying me.
  13. I take control and I get what I want and when I want.
  14. My self-esteem and confidence come from within, not from approval or recognition from others.
  15. I have trained my husband to be the perfect slave and he thanks me for it.
  16. My husband takes pride in his obedience and submission to me.
  17. I make all the decisions and my husband obeys my commands.
  18. I am the boss and my husband is a henpecked husband who does what I say.
  19. I am the one with authority and my husband bends to my will.
  20. I do not tolerate any form of disrespect or disobedience.
  21. It is my right to be respected and my husband will make it a priority or face the consequences.
  22. I do not hesitate to correct my husband when needed.
  23. My husband prioritizes my needs and wants and puts himself aside to focus on me.
  24. My husband serves me and nothing will ever come before my happiness and satisfaction.
  25. My husband puts my comfort and joy above all else and is always willing to help me.
  26. I am my husband’s first priority and he always looks to make me happy and secure.
  27. My husband always holds open the door for me and makes sure I walk first.
  28. My husband carries all my bags.
  29. My husband pulls out the chair for me whenever we go out for dinner.
  30. My husband always helps me with whatever I need, no matter how big or small the task.
  31. My husband will drop everything he’s doing to help me with whatever I need.
  32. My husband is my driver. He is always willing to drive me wherever I need to go.
  33. My husband ensures that I am always comfortable and at ease, even if it means doing things himself that are usually my responsibility.
  34. My husband always puts my pleasure above his own and will never hesitate to prioritize my needs.
  35. My husband always puts my wants and desires first, as he knows that is the only way to truly keep me happy and satisfied.
  36. My husband always cooks my favorite dishes and prepares meals that I love.
  37. My husband drives me around and takes care of all my transportation needs.
  38. My husband is my personal chef and driver, he knows how important it is to keep me happy and satisfied.
  39. My husband takes special care of me and ensures that I always get what I want.
  40. My husband goes out of his way to make sure my needs are met and he is proud to be my slave.
  41. My husband’s wallet is under my control and the money is mine.
  42. My husband is responsible for providing for me and he will never question my spending.
  43. My husband’s income belongs to me and his wealth is my wealth.
  44. I love being in control in my relationship and I always expect my husband to follow my lead and do whatever pleases me.
  45. I love being the dominant one in our relationship and I never compromise on anything because I’m a goddess and I have the power.
  46. I am a goddess and my slave husband knows his place, which is to worship me and my feet orally.
  47. I enjoy having a power dynamic in my relationship where my husband is my slave and I control him to my desires.
  48. I take pleasure in being in control and demanding my pleasure, knowing that my husband will always submit to me.
  49. I am his goddess and he is my slave and he knows that his purpose is to please me and make me happy.
  50. My husband finds it exhilarating to be enslaved to me and he lives for my pleasure.

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2 thoughts on “100 New Year Affirmations for Your FLR”

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